ckBTC Minter Dashboard

On the ckBTC minter dashboard, you can find all the information about the minter's current state, the available UTXOs, outgoing transactions, current parameters, and the logs.


Network testnet
Main address (do not send BTC here) tb1q7264a572m6el0ephpds564x447r8t0d64pppen
Min number of confirmations 6
Ledger Principal mc6ru-gyaaa-aaaar-qaaaq-cai
Bitcoin Checker Principal o6ude-eyaaa-aaaar-qal6a-cai
Check Fee 0.000001
Min retrieve BTC amount 0.00005
Min retrieve BTC amount (fee based) 0.00005
Total BTC managed 0.001003

Pending retrieve BTC requests

Block Index Address Amount

In flight retrieve BTC requests

Id Status

Submitted transactions

Txid Requests Input UTXO Txid Input UTXO Vout Input UTXO Height Input UTXO Value (BTC)

Finalized retrieve BTC requests

Block Index Destination Amount Status
3 tb1qm2fzrfc2ephqj25k0phg8gcz2mvctdz3ja5m9x 0.00005Confirmed b837d0e237fa89ad9d945088db040ca759cb6ebdf61b8fd63d778e120402d1b1

Unconfirmed change

Txid Vout Value (BTC)

Mint status unknown utxos

Txid Vout Height Value (BTC)

Quarantined utxos

Txid Vout Height Value (BTC)

Ignored utxos

Txid Vout Height Value (BTC)

Account to utxos

Account Txid Vout Height Value (BTC)
Pages: Total available0.001003

Update balance principals pending

Retrieve BTC principals pending